
Welcome To Pregnancy Informed Childbirth Prep & Pregnancy Coaching

My name is Gianna Fay and I am a Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM) and Women's Health Nurse Practitioner (WHNP-BC) living and working in the Metro Detroit area. I have been a birth worker since 2011 and have worked in a variety of birth settings. My purpose is to help parents who desire a physiologic birth in the hospital setting go from overwhelmed to informed so they can experience an empowering, and supported pregnancy that ends in a positive birth experience.

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Midwifay's Services

Pregnancy Informed Pregnancy Coaching & Childbirth Prep exists to help YOU have an informed and supported pregnancy journey that leads you to an empowered birth experience. I am passionate about bridging the gap between your expectations, goals and rights as a birthing family and the oftentimes complex maternity care system. How can I best serve YOU?

YouTube Channel

Enjoy tons of FREE video content all created to help...

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Pregnancy Coaching Services

Work with Midwifay throughout your pregnancy from the comfort of...

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ON DEMAND courses to teach you all you need to...

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I am so thankful to the women and families who have allowed me to be a part of their journeys

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Words cannot adequately express how grateful I am for Gianna and her pregnancy expertise! As a first-time mom, pregnancy has been full of unknowns— something that I discovered to be anxiety provoking as someone who likes to understand details. Luckily, I began consulting with Gianna in the beginning of my second trimester and she has been able to completely put my mind at ease throughout the remainder of my pregnancy. Not only has she done a fantastic job at answering questions about my unique pregnancy (for which she provides thorough details and resources), but she has really helped me to understand how OBs and midwives approach prenatal care, which helped me to develop a relaxed and trusting relationship with my provider. In addition, her group classes have taught me a ton of practical information about prenatal care and labor and delivery, which has made me feel confident and prepared for the birthing process. She also goes above and beyond and provides great content on social media and additional resources that have proven to be very useful. For example, she sent me a great stretching video to help reduce hip pain and I’m happy to report that it has helped a ton! To sum things up, I feel incredibly lucky to have Gianna coaching me through this new experience. Her passion for her work shines through and truly makes her the BEST at what she does. I 10/10 recommend Gianna for anyone’s birthing journey!

Jessie F



With both pregnancies, Gianna help me get through the unknowns of childbirth, with having fears and anxiety of giving birth. With every phone call and group call, she was so attentive with all the questions I had, very detailed. She made sure to follow up with every appointment you had with your own provider and explained things that weren’t fully explained to you or had less detail. She has a gift of compassion we, mothers/parents, need to overcome the fears and unknowns and questions we all have that go into childbirth. I can’t thank her enough for helping me feel so special during my pregnancies. Thank you Gianna!

Alyssa G



Hey Mama's! If your pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, you need to check out #Midwifay! I felt so much more knowledgeable and ready having Gianna in my corner during my pregnancy. So excited she now has this YouTube platform to share her midwife experience with everyone! Please subscribe, share it with your mom friends, and keep checking back for more content 🤰

Farrah M



Even before I got pregnant, Gianna helped me select my provider and understand what I should be looking for knowing this was my first go with pregnancy. I had no idea what to screen for in a provider, and ultimately I arrived with the best provider. Along the course of both pregnancies and even postpartum Gianna was an incredible resource for me. From Ibuprofen vs Tylenol (which to take and when) to birth plan and how to adapt as things change, I always felt respected and important. In hindsight, I probably asked some silly questions, but Gianna never judged and was always supportive. Having my babies was made easier because of the knowledge and support I got from Gianna Fay!

Deanna M


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